Category: Personal

  • Finishing up the Spring Farming

    Farming seasons are always such a busy time of year for us. I understand that most of you have never been on a tractor nor had the opportunity to smell the freshly turned dirt. Because it is such a huge part of our life here, I enjoy sharing part of it with you.

  • Fun on the Bikes

    One of the things I love the most about this area is how much recreational fun you can have. I was riding around with some friends and some relatives, and of course I had to get a few shots.

  • End of an era…

    My ancestors settled in Star Valley (Freedom to be exact) in the late 1800’s.  Samuel Weber was a swiss immigrant, who came to the United States after being converted to the LDS church.  Since so many people came to the valley from Switzerland, dairy farming was the source of the local economy.  Since Star Valley also…

  • Yeah… It happens…

    A friend of mine from school (Erik Lindstrom) came up this weekend to go riding. He did pretty good, but it was his first time. Needless to say, he found the creek…

  • I love February

    February is the best month of the year. Why? Because it has the best snow of the year, and you’ve had all of January to get excited about it (not quite as cold and the days are a little longer)! I had a great weekend–from the nostalgia moments I had with my friend as we went…

  • Obama on ‘Change’

    I hear so many people mention Obama and change.  Is the change that we want really more government and less freedom? Think about it…

  • January 10th Weekend

    Just a few images from last weekend.    

  • Winter Semester 2009 Begins

    Today was the first day of classes for Winter Semester 2009. It also happens to be my last. 🙂 I left home last night in the middle of a blizzard, uncertain if I would be able to make it or not due to road conditions. I successfully arrived, thought about an hour longer of a…

  • Winter Break

    I go back to school this week, but I have been able to have an enjoyable winter break.  This upcoming semester will be my last, and since I’ll probably spend a good deal of it home riding on weekends I’m sure it will go fast!  Here are just a few photos of my break.

  • Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas to you all!  Yesterday I went on a ride with my friend Bernt Jenkins, and let’s just say with all the fresh new powder we’ve gotten over the past few days being stuck was not uncommon…