Favorite Places

Star Valley from Black Mountain

Probably my most favorite place in the whole world is Star Valley. If you look through my photos page it is where 99% of my photos were taken. It is also where all of my other favorite places are. Both sides of my family are from Star Valley, and it is where I was born and raised. It is also because of the beauty of the valley that spawned my love for the outdoors and photography.Star Valley consists of two parts, upper and lower valley. I was born in the upper valley town of Afton (where I also attended Junior High and High School), but grew up in the lower valley town of Freedom.View Satellite images of Star Valley

The Farm

 My all-time most favorite place would have to be our farm. It is where I grew up. It is where I learned how to ride a dirt bike and drive a tractor. It is long afternoons cutting hay with my cousin Marcus and long evenings hearing the purr of the John Deere. There is nothing like standing and looking over the dry farm knowing that my fathers before me have labored to work the same piece of ground. I guess it is one of the largest emotional attachments that I have which is very difficult to describe. But needless to say, that little place in Freedom WY on the west hills is very special to me. 

Weber Canyon

Weber Canyon is a canyon which starts on the center of our dry farm and runs up to the top of the ridge. It is where I spend a good deal of my spare time and where I go when I want to go on a quick ride. It is a very beautiful canyon and I enjoy doing photography there where it is so beautiful and close to home.View satellite images of Weber Canyon

The backhills

When I say the back hills, what I mean is every other place in star valley that is in the mountains. Although I most often go up Weber Canyon, I spend a good amount of time on the other parts of the valley as well. If you look at my pictures page, most every picture is taken somewhere in the back hills of the beautiful Star Valley.   

Kyle Weber – Favorite Places