April Photography Weekend

I know the farming season will start very soon, and I have spent the entire week working for the school district.  So what better thing to do then get out and enjoy the beauty of Star Valley (Freedom).  So that’s what I did. This is a collection of some of the photos I took on the 25th and the 26th of April, 2009.  Another reason why I wanted so much to get out and take photos is because of my Fathers Utah siblings whom have come up with a plan to “support” my grandparents–but in reality it’s selling off most of the dry farm to pay for a luxurious retirement for themselves…  I have to enjoy it while I can, and pray for the best.


2 responses to “April Photography Weekend”

  1. Bernt Avatar

    Lol, in that picture of the elk, it looks like they don’t have any legs.

  2. Kyle Weber Avatar
    Kyle Weber

    haha you’re right they don’t.

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