We Used to Get More Snow

Winter is starting to wind down with a few signs of spring starting to pop up.  In other words, the road in front of my house that is usually covered with snow for about three months of the year is now bare.  We still have quite a ways to go though before it is all melted.

Black Mountain SunsetThe point of all of this is that, although we have a lot of snow now, we used to get a great deal more.  My grandparents would tell me of them feeding cattle in late April and May, being able to take the horses and sleigh on the crust over the fences.  I can remember a few times when I was a kid that the top wire on the fences was covered enough that we could snowmobiles over it, but that hasn’t happened in quite a few years.

Ford 8NHere’s a photo that shows just how much they used to get.  This is a photo of my grandpa on an old Ford 8N tractor with an angled blade.  As you can see, the snow is up to the wheels on the tractor.  There’s also a guy in the background to show perspective. It also shows our impressively large old barn.

Times have changed.  In more ways than one.


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